Please find below a unique list of expressions collected by us thanks to many years of experience in contact with foreign clients and Norwegian institutions and offices. Take advantage of our Norwegian-English glossary of terms related to accounting, law and economic activity when establishing a Subcontracting and/or Partnership with a foreign Partner.
À jour – up-to-date
Aksjeselskap (AS) - joint stock company, equivalent opening to a limited liability company
Aksjekapital - company’s initial capital
Aksjonærregisteroppgave – shareholder register statement
Allmenngjort tariffavtale - general collective agreement
A-Melding - digital payroll report. Simultaneous notification to the register of employees and employers (AA-register)
Anlegg - construction
Ansatt - employee, worker
Ansettelse – employment
Ansiennitet - length of work in a given profession or company
Ansvar/ansvarlig - liability/liable
Antall - quantity, number
Arbeidsgiver – employer
Arbeidsgiveravgift - fee for employee’s social security
Arbeidsgiverperiode - employer’s period - the initial period during which the employer pays the sickness benefit
(sykemelding) or layoff (permittering), then the benefit is paid by the insurance institution – NAV
Arbeidsforhold - employment relationship
Arbeidsledighet - unemployment
Arbeidsmiljøloven - Labour Code
Arbeidsmiljøutvalg - Company Working Environmennt Committee
Arbeidstaker - employee
Arbeidstid - working time
Arbeidstilsynet - Norwegian Labour Inspection
Arbeidsufør - unfit for work
Avdeling - branch
Avspasering - free time for the hours worked out earlier
Avstemme – reconcile the accounts
Autorisert regnskapsfører - authorised accountant
Avgift - fee
Avlønning - wages and salaries
Avskrivning – write-off
Avslutningsbalanse - closing balance sheet
Avtale - agreement, contract
Balanse, Åpningsbalanse - balance sheet, opening balance sheet
Barnetrygd - family benefit from NAV
Bedrift – enterprise
Bedriftshelsetjeneste (BHT) - company health service (medical centter
Bekreftelse – confirmation
Beregning - calculation
Beslagleggelse - seizure of assets, property
Bestilling – order
Betaling – fee, payment
Betalingsdato - date of payment
Betalingsutsettelse – deferred payment
Bevis - proof, confirmation
Bilag - in accounting: document
Bilgodtgjørelse/ kilometergodtgjørelse – payment by the employer of the costs of
using a private vehicle for business purposes
Bosted - place of residence this is the employer’s cost
Bot, bøter - fine, fines
Brev - letter
Brønnøysundregistrene - equivalent of the National Court Register / Norwegian register of companies
Byggherre- main investor
Børs - stock exchange
Daglig leder - managing director
Dagpenger - unemployment benefit
D-nummer - temporary personal number
Dobbeltbeskatning - double taxation
Eiendeler – assets
Egenkapital - equity
Egenmelding - notification of unfitness for work without the need to present a medical certificate
Endring - change
Enhet - unit, entity
Enhetsregister - register of entities, part of Brønnøy sundregistrene
Enkeltpersonforetak - sole proprietorship
Entreprenør - entrepreneur
Erklæring - declaration
Etat – office
Ettergivelse – remission, waiver
Fagforening - trade union
Faktura - invoice
Ferie - leave, (feriepenger) leave benefit
Finanstilsynet - Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority in charge of granting authorisations to accounting offices
Fjernlevering av tjenester – remote services
Forbruker - consumer (Forbrukerrådet – consumer protection office)
Fordring - debt
Foretaksregister - register of companies, part of Brønnøysundregistrene
Forfallsdato - date of payment
Forliksråd - arbitration court
Formue - assets, wealth
Forpliktelse – obligation
Forsikring - insurance
Forsinkelse - delay
Forsinkelsesgebyr – fine for late payments
Forsinkelsesrenter – Interest on late payments
Forskrift - ordinance
Forskudd - advance payment
Forskuddstrekk - advance income tax payment
Forventet - expected
Fradrag - tax deduction, write-off, allowance Fravær - absence
Fratredelse - withdrawal
Frist - deadline
Fritak - ex officio exemption (trekkfritak – exemption from payment of advance income tax payments)
Fullmakt - power of attorney
Fødselsattest – birth certificate
Fødselsnummer - permanent personal number
Garantilønn - wages and salaries paid to employees also between orders,
not paid in companies dealing with hiring of employees (bemanning)
Gebyr - fee
Gjeld - debt
Gjennomsnittsberegnet arbeidstid - average working time
Godtgjørelse - wages and salaries, benefit
Grov - gross (e.g. mistake)
Grunnlag - basis
Heftelser – encumbrances
Helse, miljø, sikkerhet (HMS) - occupational health and safety (HSE)
HMS ansvarlig - person responsible for safety in the company
HMS-kort i bygge- og anleggsnæringen - HSE-cards in building and construction industry
HMS-kort for renholdsbransjen - HSE-cards for leaning services
HMS plan - HSE plan, HSE documentation in the company
HMS kurs for daglig leder - compulsory HSE training for the manager
HMS kurs for verneombud - compulsory HSE training for personnel representative
Hovedbok – general ledger
Id-kontroll - identity check carried out for example at the tax office
Internkontroll - a set of actions related to HSE in the company, HMS documentation system
Inkasso – collection
Innkreving – debt collection
Innkrevingssentral – (Statens Innkrevingssentral), state debt collection centre
Inntekt - income (alminnelig inntekt – net income)
Innteksskatt - income tax
Inntektsopplysninger skjema - information form regarding employee’s income sent by the employer to NAV
Klage - complaint, appeal
Kompensasjon - compensation
Konkurs - bankruptcy
Konto/konti - account/accounts
Kontor - office, agency
Kost - food, boarding
Kostbesparelse i hjemmet - increase in the tax amount resulting from food received from the employer
Kostnad/ kostnader - cost/costs (driftskostnader - operating costs)
Kreditnota - correction invoice working time
Kvittering - receipt, bill
Lager - warehouse
Levere - deliver
Levering - delivery
Ligning - taxation
Likestilling - equality between women and men
Losji – Accommodation
Lov - law, act
Lønnsslipp - pay slip
Løyve - permit, licence
Lån - loan
Merverdiavgift (MVA) - value added tax (VAT)
Markedsføring - marketing
Markedspris - market price
Midlertidig ansettelse - employment for a definite period of time
Minstefradrag - tax deductible expenses
Minstelønn - minimum pay
Mulkt - penalty, fine
Mva-melding - VAT report
NAV - Norwegian Social Insurance Institution
Norskregistrert utenlandsk foretak (NUF) – Norwegian branch of a foreign company
Næringsdrivende - self-employed
Næringsliv - economy
Næringskode - code assigned to a specific type of activity
Obligatorisk tjenestepensjon (OTP) - additional pension insurance, employer’s cost
Offentlig anbud - public tender
Omsetning - revenue, turnover
Omsorgsdager +
Opplæring – training
Oppdrag – order
Oppdragssgiver - ordering party
Oppdragstaker – contractor
Oppdragsavtale – contract
Oppgave - task, report
Oppsigelse – termination
Organisasjonsnummer - Norwegian tax registration numbe
Overskudd – profit
Overtid - overtime
Overtidsbetaling - payment for overtime
Pendler - commuter
Pensjon – pension
Permisjon - leave, maternity leave
Permittert – a person on a leave, maternity leave, laid-off
Permittering - period of layoff, during the time of no orders, when unemployment benefit
(dagpenger) is paid by the insurance institution - NAV
Personlig inntekt - personal income
Prøvetid - trial period
Purre - send a reminder (purring) for payment
Pålegg - reminder
Påløpt - calculated
Påminnelse – reprimand
Refusjon - refund
Regning – receipt, bill
Regnskap – accounting
Regnskapsplikt - obligation to keep accounts
Reiseutgifter - travel expenses
Renter – interest
Reskonto - ledger
Rett - law, court, right (to something)
Rettssak – hearing
Samtykke – consent: of an office/private person, see also fullmakt
Sammenstillingsoppgave - summary of employee’s income sent to him or her by the employer
Selskap – company
Sentral Godkjenning - central authentication of building qualifications
Signaturrett - right to represent the company, right to signature
Sikkerhet – safety
Skatt – tax
Skatteattest - extract - information about tax arrears
Skatteavtalen - Convention for the avoidance of double taxation
Skatteetaten - tax office
Skattefradrag - tax allowance
Skattefri - tax-free
Skattefritak - tax exemption
Skattekort - tax card
Skatteloven - Act on taxation of assets and income
Skattemelding - tax return
Skatteoppkrever utland - tax collector’s office for foreigner
Skattepliktig – taxable
Skattetrekk - tax (income tax deducted from wages and salaries)
Skattetrekkskonto - account intended exclusively for the payment of advance employee’s tax payments
Skjema - form (official)
Solidaransvar - collective liability of ordering parties and subcontractors for payment of wages and salaries
Sosial dumping - social dumping, unequal treatment of workers
Stiftelsesdokumenter - instrument of incorporation of a company
Styre - company’s management board
Styreleder – Chair of Board
Styremedlem - member of the management board
Stønad – benefit
Støtte - support, benefit
Sykemelding - sick leave
Sykepenger - health service
Systematisk HMS arbeid - systematic work with HSE in the company
Særskilt – special
Søknadsskjema - application letter template
Tap – loss
Tilsyn - inspection, contro
Tillatelse – authorization
Tillegg – allowance
Tilskudd – grant, subsidy
Tjenester – services
Toll - customs duty
Trygdeavgift - social insurance contribution
Turnus - working time in the rotating working time system (see avspasering)
Tvangsmulkt - penalty, fine
Ulykke – accident
Underleverandør – subcontractor
Underskrive – sign
Undertegne - sign (a contract
Utgifter – expenses
Utleie av arbeidskraft - hiring workforce
Utleggstrekk - deduction from wages and salaries
Utsatt frist – postponed deadline
Utskrift, bankutskrift - printout, bank statement
Utvalg – committee
Varer – goods
Varamedlem - passive member of the management board
Verneombud - staff representative in charge of HSE
Vedtak – decision
Vedtekter - articles of association
Verneutstyr - personal protection equipment
Vern mot diskriminering - protection against discrimination
Virkedag - business day
Virksomhet – activity
Yrke – profession
Yrkesskadeforsikring - work accident insurance
Ytelse – bene
Økonomisk - financial, economic
Økokrim - financial and economic crime unit
Årsavslutning - annual closing of accounts
Årsoppgjør - annual summary of trade accounts. Profit and loss account, balance sheet, annual activity report
Årsregnskap - annual financial statement sent to Brønnøsundregistrene
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